When Should Your Child See a Psychiatrist?

As I have noted in a number of my blog posts, divorce is considered one of life’s most stressful experiences. Divorce is equally challenging for adults and children.

Numerous studies have shown that children whose parents are divorcing experience higher levels of depression and/or anxiety and demonstrate more anti-social behavior in comparison to those children whose parents remain married. These issues may continue even after the children become adults.

In my practice it is fairly common to see children enrolled counseling in order to help them navigate the challenges of divorce. However, sometimes counseling alone is not enough to address the issues that a child is experiencing during their parents’ divorce. If your child is not showing any improvement after consistent counseling, it might be time for them to see a psychiatrist. In some instances, the counselor my suggest a psychiatric evaluation for your child. (I recently had a case where such a scenario came up).

It may be necessary for your child to see a psychiatrist if he or she:

  1. Suffers from severe depression (childhood or pre-teen depression).
  2. Suffers from severe anxiety.
  3. Engages in self-harming behavior.
  4. Demonstrates a severe conduct disorder.
  5. Demonstrates trauma or stress related behavior.
  6. Is experiencing emotional or mental problems that are making a physical illness worse.
  7. Has severe mood swings.
  8. Exhibits drastic changes in personality.
  9. Has been involved in multiple fights, used weapons or has wanted to hurt others.
  10. Suicidal thoughts or attempts.
  11. Use of drugs or alcohol.


Some parents are (understandably) daunted by the prospect of having their children evaluated by a psychiatrist and being prescribed medication. However, service providers note that leaving a potential psychiatric illness untreated is even more detrimental.

Are you considering divorce? Do you have a case where your child might be struggling with a psychiatric illness? Contact The Shah Law Firm, LLC to set up a consultation.